Forum Replies Created
Paul Hunt
Below is the link to Oshawa Fire Services, Fire Works By-law, which was just amended a few weeks ago.
A Permit is required to sell consumer fireworks in our municipality, but only if it is from a “Temporary Sales Unit” meaning a transport trailer. If you are selling from a “Permanent Sales Unit” meaning retail sales store, ie Walmart, Costco, Canadian Tire, convenience store etc, a permit is not required and an Inspection from our department is not required unless we receive a complaint. The store would still have to follow the Federal regulations limiting the amount of explosive material in a single lot, distances to ignition sources, direct sunlight exposure and sold in pre-packaging units if consumers have direct contact with the product.
Sales can only take place 7 days preceding Victoria Day, Canada Day and Diwali, and fireworks can only be ignited on those days between dusk and 11pm. No exceptions due to inclement weather. Permits are not required for Consumer Fireworks for these 3 dates, but any Consumer Fireworks display on any day other than the 3 above, would require a Permit.
All pyrotechnic displays, (music concerts and public displays) will require a Permit. Applications for Fireworks Permits are made through Service Oshawa. Fire Prevention will complete the Permit with a site inspection, but all applications and paperwork (Insurance documents, site plan, valid Pyrotechnicians License, authourization from property owner, and product list) must be made 3 weeks prior to the event day or the first day for sales to begin.
Fines for not following the By-law are as follows: 1st conviction – up to $5,000, 2nd conviction – up to $10,000, 3rd conviction – up to $25,000 and is enforced by By-Law officers, not Fire (Thank Goodness).
Hope this helps.
Paul Hunt
Fire Prevention Inspector, Oshawa Fire Services.
Paul Hunt
ParticipantCorrect, currently under the by-law, we only inspect a “temporary” sales location (trailer or cube van), for the issuance of a permit.
But, If we receive a complaint from the public or another vendor about concerns with a “permanent” sales location, we would have to inspect those too, but not under the bylaw, under Section 5.2 of the OFC.Paul Hunt
Currently, Oshawa only requires a License for those wishing to sell Fireworks from a temporary sales location (trailer, not tents). Below is the link to our By-Law.
We may be in the process of changing the by-law as we only had 4 applications for the License last year but discovered many more retailers (Costco, Walmart, Shoppers Drug Mart, Bargain Stores, and convenience stores) selling fireworks that were not complying with the Explosive Regulations 2013.
By-Law Enforcement was not inspecting these locations, as they are not the AHJ, so essentially retailers were able to operate without complying with the Regulations.
Our CFPO has now sent this back to Legal for their opinion.
We are proceeding with charges against one retailer who failed to comply with the Federal Regulations after we informed him that his location was in violation of these Regs. -