President’s Message

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Upcoming OMFPOA Webinar: Dust Hazard Awareness & Dust Explosibility Testing

The Ontario Municipal Fire Prevention Officers Association (OMFPOA) is excited to host an informative webinar on Dust Hazard Awareness and Dust Explosibility Testing, presented by Parker MacNeil, Lead Engineer with Jensen Hughes Consulting Canada. Combustible dust poses significant fire and explosion risks in industrial and commercial settings. This session will provide crucial insights into identifying

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Winter Driving Safety

Winter driving demands heightened awareness and preparation. Beyond icy roads and poor visibility, the risks of vehicle issues, including car fires; as collisions are the most common cause of vehicle fires. Prepare You Vehicle Winter Tires: Equip your car with winter tires that provide better traction in snow and ice. Ensure proper tire pressure as

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Hello and welcome to the Ontario Municipal Fire Prevention Officers Association’s Website.

It is a great pleasure and honour to serve as the President of the Ontario Municipal Fire Prevention Officers Association. To all those great people that helped me get to where I am today, the only thing I can offer you in return is more hard work. Starting today I am asking for your continued support and dedication to do even more.

As I sit and reflect on where we are today there are so many people that contributed, either in a large or small way to make this Association strong, effective and heard; for that we are all grateful and I thank you.

Our Association is dedicated to the safety and wellbeing of all Ontarians and its members through public education, fire prevention & code enforcement and fire investigation.

We can’t order people to change, but we can influence their thoughts and behaviours by working harder at improving codes, regulations, practices and our lines of communication through a dedicated single voice with a consistent message.

More emphasis on “why”, not “how” is needed in order to get the message across. In 2020 we saw a drastic increase in fire deaths within the Province of Ontario.  As Henry Ford once said; “You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.”, therefore it is this organizations focus to ensure that we stay focused, up to date, challenge the process and ensure that everyone’s safety is at the forefront of the Associations goals and objectives.

We look forward to the continued working relationships with our various stakeholders throughout the Province and Canada and will continue to endeavour to provide the guidance, support and resources to our members. We hope you find the resources on our website useful. If you have any question please do not hesitate to contact us.

Stay safe!

Vince Giovannini CD, CFEI, CMMIII


Ontario Municipal Fire Prevention Officers Association