Emergency Lighting and Generators
Fire Alarm System
Fire Code Requirements
Fire Extinguisher
Fire Separations
HVAC and Fire Dampers
Smoke Alarms
Smoke Control System
Standpipe Systems
Other Helpful Forms
Can I receive a Provincial Offences Ticket?
Yes, Fire Prevention Officers are also Provincial Offences Officers and may issue tickets. Click here to see a list of ticketable offences and the current fines.
A high standard of housekeeping and building maintenance is probably the most important single factor in the prevention of fire. It is the collective responsibility of all staff and building occupants.
In order to avoid fire hazards in the building, occupants are advised to…
- Not put burning material such as cigarettes and ashes into the garbage or garbage chutes.
- Not dispose of flammable liquids or aerosol cans in garbage or garbage chutes.
- Properly dispose of any oily rags.
- Properly store any flammable or combustible liquids / gases.
- Avoid unsafe cooking practices (deep fat frying, too much heat, unattended stove, wearing loose fitting clothing, etc.).
- Not use unsafe electrical appliances, frayed extension cords, over-loaded outlets or extension cords for permanent wiring.
- Avoid careless smoking. Use deep ashtrays. Never smoke in bed. Ensure cigarette butts are out. Do not discard smokers materials from decks/balconies or windows. Thoroughly wet prior to disposing of smokers materials in garbage cans.
- Never leave candles unattended; use candle holders that have a glass cylinder which covers the flame.
- Keep hallways, stairwells, passageways and exits clear of obstructions, combustible refuse and other items at all times.
- Always keep laundry, furnace and electrical rooms/panels clear of combustible materials.
- Maintain 1 meter ( 3 feet) between space heaters and combustible material.
- Do not wedge open or obstruct any fire doors or disengage the self-closing devices (where installed).
- Test your smoke alarm(s) monthly.
- Test your carbon monoxide alarm(s) monthly (where installed).
- Change the batteries in your smoke alarm(s) and carbon monoxide alarm(s) at least once per year or immediately if you hear the low battery sound.
- Develop, implement, & practice a fire escape plan.
- Always clean out clothes dryer lint collector before and after each use.
- Avoid washing clothing or rags saturated with flammable or combustible liquids in laundry facilities.
- Storage, handling and use of portable oxygen systems shall be in conformance with CSA-Z305.12. “Safe, Storage, Handling, and Use of
- Portable Oxygen Systems in Residential Buildings and Health Care Facilities”.
- Restrict ignition sources when oxygen is in use.
- Clean kitchen hoods and filters frequently to avoid buildup of grease.
- Ensure cleaning rags / paper towels that contain grease are disposed of in a metal container outside and away from the building.
- Where solid fuel (wood) is used for cooking / heating, a plan shall contain approved procedures for ash control, safe fuel limits and restrictions against using flammable or combustible liquids to ignite the fire.
Additionally Occupants are advised to…
- Know how to alert building occupants of a fire condition.
- Know where exits are located.
- Call 911 whenever you have an emergency.
- Know the correct address of the building.
- Notify the building owner/property management if special assistance if required in the event of an emergency.
- Know the fire alarm signals and the procedures established to implement safe evacuation.
- Read and follow the manufacturer’s smoke alarm (and CO alarm if applicable) instructions, available from building owner/property management.
- Know the supervisory staff in your building.
- Report any fire hazard to supervisory staff.
- Know the stairwell designation and the crossover floors (if any).
- Ensure that visitors are familiar with the fire safety rules and emergency procedures.
- Do not park vehicles in fire routes.