OFMEM Webinars now available at night!

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Upcoming OMFPOA Webinar: Dust Hazard Awareness & Dust Explosibility Testing

The Ontario Municipal Fire Prevention Officers Association (OMFPOA) is excited to host an informative webinar on Dust Hazard Awareness and Dust Explosibility Testing, presented by Parker MacNeil, Lead Engineer with Jensen Hughes Consulting Canada. Combustible dust poses significant fire and explosion risks in industrial and commercial settings. This session will provide crucial insights into identifying

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Winter Driving Safety

Winter driving demands heightened awareness and preparation. Beyond icy roads and poor visibility, the risks of vehicle issues, including car fires; as collisions are the most common cause of vehicle fires. Prepare You Vehicle Winter Tires: Equip your car with winter tires that provide better traction in snow and ice. Ensure proper tire pressure as

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This email has been sent on behalf of A/ADFM Art Booth:

The Office of the Fire Marshal, Inspection and Enforcement Unit (IEU) is pleased to announce the 2019 Webinar Series are now being made available in the evenings. Our spring sessions include:

o   Assistant to the Fire Marshal – May 23  (7-8:30p)

o   POA Tickets – June 4 (7-8:30p)

o   Inspection Orders Part 1 – June 11 (7-8:30p)

In Fall we will feature a series of evening webinars that will focus on three additional topics including Hoarding, Immediate Threats to Life and the Inspection Orders Part 2.

Please view our catalog of events and register at the following link:


Once you have registered, you will receive an event registration confirmation email and an Outlook Calendar entry will be attached to that email. If you open the attachment and accept it as you would any calendar invite, it will populate into your calendar with all of the important details for attending this webinar.

We hope to see you there!

Tawnya Roberts
Program Specialist
Inspection and Enforcement Unit
Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management
Ministry of the Solicitor General
Tel: 613-570-8296
Email: Tawnya.roberts@ontario.ca

Other: 1-800-565-1842

If you have any accommodation needs or require communication supports or alternate formats, please let me know.

Si vous avez des besoins en matière d’adaptation, ou si vous nécessitez des aides à la communication ou des médias substituts, veuillez me le faire savoir.