We are dealing with a fairly large woodworking shop. We have identified the fact that their dust collection system is too large (greater than .47m3/s) to be indoors. The company is proposing the change to a Nederman S-Series Enclosureless baghouse dust collector. The collector specs cite NFPA 664 and NFPA 654 as compliant standards but the code makes no allowances for this. Has anyone else seen these large indoor enclosureless dust collectors or do you have an opinion? The building where the shop is located is under site plan review so installing an outdoor dust collector will be a slow and painful process and they don’t have a lot of space in the shop (to build a fire compartment). They are proposing a very expensive solution, but I can’t see how it can be code compliant. The link to the dust collector is here: http://www.nederman.com/products/baghouse-dust-collectors/manual-baghouse-dust-collectors/s-series-bag-dust-collectors