Hi Vince,
1. Are your fire inspectors certified as building inspectors? Yes (Appointed by council for fire safety related issues)
2. Do your fire inspectors conduct plans review? Yes (Building permits are not to be issued without the Fire Department’s approval. However this does not apply to single family residential buildings). On average, 6.5% of our time is spent conducting plans review.
3. Do your fire inspectors conduct inspections on new construction / alterations (building permit issued)? Yes. On average 12.4% of our time is spent conducting building inspections.
4. Does your building department pay the wages of your fire inspectors that do plans review? (Are they paid an hourly rate by the building department for their services?) No, not directly, but all municipal revenues including building permit fees and development charges go into the same account. The fire department costs come out of that account.
5. Does your building department cover the cost of BCIN courses, building codes, exams and annual certification? No. Same answer as #4. Courses, codes and annual certifications are budgeted for by the fire department and approved by council.
Keith Doucette