Good Day All,
In Kitchener, we have been operating a Division of the Fire Department called Direct Detect for coming on twenty years now.It is the alarm monitoring Division of the FD and in the context of our City, serves as a fire protection feature the same as a hydrant or a fire truck. We also operate it as a Municipal Fire Alarm system under the OBC, as a signal sent directly to Fire gets apparatus and firefighters on scene faster than any other method. A faster and earlier response equals less risk to life and property.
That experience has given us a different perspective on the use of technology, probably because of the success that it has provided us in dealing with those situations that don’t fit the norm, which in a lot of retrofit situations is actually the norm. If the system is monitored and it provides knowledge about sensor sensitivity, battery strength and device tamper, I would argue that wireless can exceed the performance of many FC required hardwired systems. It is all about system design and use.
That being said, if a system can be hardwired, that is what we opt for. We never use wireless as a work avoidance measure for an owner, but are happy to consider them in place of another system, where system performance and function can be demonstrated to serve the interests of the building and its occupants. We have seen a few wireless systems proposals accepted as alternative solutions and CFO approved alternatives.