Hey all, good conversation for sure Vince.
In Burlington we do have a Standard Operating Guideline (SOG) on notes. Vince, I will send you same. It is for Captains and A/Captains in suppression. Saying this, notes are inconsistent at best in terms of practice.
As Inspectors we all do some degree of notetaking. Most just document the specifics of an inspection or violations noted, while based on my own experiences I work my note-book similar to that of policing – on duty, weather conditions, Platoon, date etc. I document my day based on my activities, inspections and observations made. The suppression SOG is also structured this way. With us using AMANDA, I then have to transcribe some of the basics (whether violation, order issued etc.) in tracking the basic progress of my activities. I avoid making two separate notes as I’ve always been taught not to duplicate duty notes. My AMANDA reference is simply in tracking progress / status etc., my notes are in gathering the facts.
In answer to your questions (ones I don’t think I answered above):
1. Most do, although not consistent. I would always recommend a actual note book (Triform or otherwise) be utilized as otherwise one is deviating from accepted rules of notetaking – consistency, numbered pages, not being able to remove pages etc.
2. Some do. Again, not a bound book. Could present some issues in always ensuring said notes are kept (most that keep a notebook can refer back years as to the events in their notebook)
3. Don’t do investigations (FP)
Mat Williamson, Burlington