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Upcoming OMFPOA Webinar: Dust Hazard Awareness & Dust Explosibility Testing

The Ontario Municipal Fire Prevention Officers Association (OMFPOA) is excited to host an informative webinar on Dust Hazard Awareness and Dust Explosibility Testing, presented by Parker MacNeil, Lead Engineer with Jensen Hughes Consulting Canada. Combustible dust poses significant fire and explosion risks in industrial and commercial settings. This session will provide crucial insights into identifying

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Winter Driving Safety

Winter driving demands heightened awareness and preparation. Beyond icy roads and poor visibility, the risks of vehicle issues, including car fires; as collisions are the most common cause of vehicle fires. Prepare You Vehicle Winter Tires: Equip your car with winter tires that provide better traction in snow and ice. Ensure proper tire pressure as

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This committee is referenced in the Constitution under Article 11 and shall
consist of all officers.

Vince Giovannini
Vince Tripp
Don Casey
Denise Rose
Gwen Lewis
Scott Gilbert
Doug Kellam
Roel Bus
Scott Pugsley

This committee ensures that all financial records are maintained in good order, kept up to date and transparent. It will also ensure that the membership of the Association is maintained up to date. The OMFPOA Treasurer shall be the Chair of this Committee. The committee is required to make recommendations to the President for further action or resolution of issues.

The Fire Marshall appoints this position and only one member is allowed. The presiding president will sit on this committee.

This Committee it is comprised of ten members of the OAFC, three members from the OAFE group and three members from the OMFPOA. This OAFC committee will consist of a chair and two members. The presiding president will be the Chair of this committee.

Chair – Vince Giovannini

Gwen Lewis – Chair
Vince Giovannini
Ben Trendle

This Committee will ensure that all Chapters have the required support and resources needed to operate as a Chapter outlined in Article 16 of the OMFPOA Constitution.

The primary role will be to liaison with the chapters and provide support and communications. Hopefully this will be a very active committee with arranging executive members attending the chapter meetings. This committee will also provide a quarterly update on the executive’s activities. The committee is required to make recommendations to the President for further action or resolution of issues. This committee will consist of a chair and two members.

Training and Education Advisory Committee addresses issues and matters relating to Fire Prevention Officers, Fire Prevention Inspectors, , Public Educators, Plans Examiners, and Fire Investigators  training, education, certification and development in Ontario.

This committee also acts as liaison with the Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management, the Ontario Fire College and other identified agencies responsible for developing or delivering training to the fire service. This committee will further ensure that the OMFPOA Annual Training and Education Symposium is organized and conducted in accordance with the OMFPOA Symposium Guideline. The committee is required to make recommendations to the President for further action or resolution of issues. This committee will consist of a chair and four members.

This committee will be responsible for the OMFPOA website and social media.

This committee is responsible for ensuring that fire and life safety education messaging is at the forefront of our Association for the members and the residents of Ontario. This committee will also work closely with the OMFEM and other other identified agencies governing fire prevention and public education. The committee is required to make recommendations to the President for further action or resolution of issues.

This committee will consist of a chair and two members.

This committee is responsible for maintaining the lines of communication open with all reviewing proposed changes to codes and standards and providing comments either in favour or against the proposed changes. This committee will also handle any proposed code changes being submitted by the association. The committee is required to make recommendations to the President for further action or resolution of issues.

The committee will consist of a chair and three members. The Chair will preside over the CAN/ULC S-500 Series Committee.

FPPA, OFC, OBC, Nation Codes, Standards , CAN/ULC S-500 Series Committee but not limited to. Health & Safety Advisory Committee Expand

This committee will ensure that the Health and Safety of all it’s members are at the forefront by engaging the Section 21 Committee and act as a liaison between the various organizations and partners. The committee is required to make recommendations to the President for further action or resolution of issues.

Liaise with various stakeholders in the industry and maintain lines of communications open as well as engage is standardizing practise and messaging. The committee is required to make recommendations to the President for further action or resolution of issues.

Ontario Home Sprinkler Initiative Committee
Ontario Municipal Non-Profit Housing Association (OMNPHA) Committee
ESA Committee
TSSA Committee
Health Canada
Universities and Colleges