Bulletin #001/19
March 15, 2019
The Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management (OFMEM) is pleased to announce the filing of Ontario Regulation 33/19, a regulation made under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, that amends the 2007 Fire Code (Ontario Regulation 213/07) by making housekeeping changes (to update or clarify requirements) and by adding requirements for the following:
- hazardous extraction operations, and
- out-of-service firefighters’ elevators.
Proposed new Fire Code requirements were posted for public consultation on the Ontario Regulatory Registry. The OFMEM extends its appreciation to all stakeholders who provided feedback during the public consultation period.
Enquiries regarding the new regulation may be directed to the Technical Services Section of the OFMEM. Staff members can be reached by telephone at (647) 329 1100 or by e-mail at FireSafetyStandards@ontario.ca.
For additional details, please see Fire Marshal’s Communiqué 2019-02.
Hi Everyone, please note this new reg. covers off amendments to address Cannabis as well as Fire Fighter elevators but it also was used to make other amendments not highlighted in the OFM Communique as follows:
- Retirement Home definition changed- this is linked to the change in the OBC definition which excludes B3 classification
- Records of tests and inspections- small wording amendments
- Retirement Home added to list of occupancies where open flames/flaming drinks prohibited
- Retirement Home drill frequency changed to MONTHLY
It is highly probable that existing Retirement Homes with approved Fire safety plans are not aware of the change in Fire drill frequency which will impact their records as well- so it would be great if the local fire departments can bring that to their attention and as well may wish to have the Fire safety plan amended to reflect this where appropriate.