Prince Edward County Fire & Rescue is honoured in hosting the NFPA Certified Fire Plan Examiner 3-day classroom training with optional exam on September 10 through September 13, 2018.
- The Certified Fire Plan Examiner: 3-Day Classroom Training (with Optional Certification Exam) is based on the job requirements found in NFPA 1031: Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Inspector and Plan Examiner, 2014 Edition.
This NFPA® classroom training prepares you to take the Certified Fire Plan Examiner (CFPE) certification exam. Three days of practical and interactive, expert-led instruction teaches you how to apply NFPA 101®: Life Safety Code® concepts in today’s complex built environment, and sharpens your skills around code and standard requirements involving automatic sprinkler systems and fire alarm and signaling systems. The program also reviews the administrative sections of NFPA 1: Fire Code, so you understand legal issues relevant to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). The Certified Fire Plan Examiner (CFPE) certification exam is offered on an optional fourth day.
At NFPA, we understand how important your credibility is with your employers, your peers, and the public you serve. That’s why, as the code and standard developer and publisher, we offer this training program along with certification that signifies you have the experience, education and knowledge it takes to handle the responsibilities of your job.
The course will familiarize participants with:
- The responsibilities of a fire plan examiner and the knowledge required to perform the job
- The use and application of NFPA codes and standards in fire plan examination
- How to classify occupancies
- How to perform occupant load calculations
- How to evaluate means of egress and their components
Important Details:
Training only Price: includes three days of instruction, student workbook, applicable codes and standards along with morning coffee and lunch each day.
Training and Exam Price: includes three days of instruction, student workbook, applicable codes and standards, and a proctored paper and pencil exam on the last day, along with morning coffee and lunch each day. (NOTE: The registrant must complete an application and send it to the NFPA Certification Department 4 weeks prior to the exam date. Please see the certification page at for an application.)
Note: If you wish to register for this course and certification exam, you must register a minimum of four weeks before the class date in order for NFPA to have time to order the examinations. 4 weeks before the class start, NFPA will remove the option to schedule the exam and you will only be able to register for the course after that time. If necessary, you may also contact the NFPA Certification team directly to schedule to take your certification exam at a later date.
The coupon code of Picton is now active. Attendees can click on the link below and at the checkout stage they can enter Picton to receive a $60 discount.
For Additional information contact:
Michael Branscombe
Fire Prevention Officer
Prince Edward County Fire & Rescue
8 McDonald Drive, Picton ON K0K 2T0
T: 613.476.2345 | F: 613.476.9826