Membership Renewal Reminder

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Heat Alarms in Residential Garages

Please join us for an informative presentation on “Heat Alarms in Residential Garages”   This is presented by: Brian McBain, Fire Chief of Russell Township Fire Services Ryan Schell, Chief Fire Prevention Officer at Central York Fire Services Jimmy Fata, Assistant Division Chief in Ottawa You will learn: What is a heat alarm? What is

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Online webinar this Wednesday!

Your community risk assessment is done. Now what? NFPA announced in August that through a partnership with the International Association of Fire Chiefs, CRAIG 1300 (Community Risk Assessment Insight Generator) is coming to Canada! Join us as NFPA’s Laura King gives us a sneak peek at CRAIG 1300. Learn how your department and municipality can

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OMFPOA Memberships expire at the end of each calendar year. As we have had ongoing website construction and upgrades being completed we have not removed any accounts that have yet to pay for 2023.

Our membership continues to increase and we hope to have you as part of our association. This post is to serve as a final reminder to those departments that have yet to renew their memberships, accounts will be deleted starting on 15th May for any accounts that are not current.

Successfully renewed memberships would be eligible for discounts at our upcoming Symposium. You can register/renew for a department membership account here Fire Department Website Registration please note if you have a generic email address i.e.  please use that when registering the department.

Once you are registered for a department membership individual members can sign up for website access here Join Now. Please note that you will need to sign up again, we are currently updating our website and the pending members won’t be saved.

The department membership is for all personnel performing fire prevention duties in the department, they can all sign up for the website access.

Note: this notice was sent to all Fire Chiefs and posted on our website, if you received this message it does not necessarily mean your account is overdue.

If you are unsure if your department has paid please email Vice-President Vince Tripp at