HOME Forums Reply To: Replacement of fire alarm systems

Dave BakerDave Baker


It is not only the building, but the occupancy that must be considered. What is happening in the building? Has that changed? Remember that Part 2 of the OFC requires the CFO to classify a building based on its major occupancy in conformance with the building code.

If the installation was prior to a building code then the minimum would be the Part 9 of the OFC depending again on the occupancy. If Part 9 does not apply because of the building design one would have to review the associated risk and issue an Inspection Order based on some reasonable/logical measure.

Monitoring realistically is based on size, occupancy and occupant load, all risk factors. So, if the shoe fits…

Audibility is actually a good example. Current OBC requirements have a minimum level of audibility. Fire alarms installed prior to these requirements have been successfully upgraded by Inspection Order throughout the Province. The technical guideline is just a reasonable/logical measure.

Now my head hurts! Thanks for making me think!