HOME Forums Reply To: Section 21 Committee – Fire Prevention Officers


Respectfully Brent I don’t personally see much of a comparison between an FPO and a police officer and their vehicle standards/safety features. I can see why a police officer’s vehicles would need a lot of built in safety features, they spend a lot more time in their vehicles than we do (I think), and they certainly drive them a lot differently than we do.
While I would love to be able to point to a Section 21 GN when trying to get a half decent vehicle to drive, I don’t think that should be a focus of the OMFPOA Section 21 committee.
But that is just my personal viewpoint, you could very well be right!

I think investigation practices, procedures etc. is a worthwhile endeavour, notwithstanding that GN # 4-13 already addresses fire investigations, I think it could be improved, and I think it should be standard for investigation practices to be like everything else in the fire service and there should always be a minimum of two personnel on scene and involved in the investigation.
I also think there is a valid point to be made for two personnel to be involved in every inspection. There are so many different factors that can go against an individual inspector (violence, threats against, false accusations against the inspector that could be literally indefensible without a witness etc.).
I think that head, eye, skin and respiratory protection during certain inspections is also something to seriously consider being looked at.