HOME Forums Reply To: Note Taking (Inspections, fire investigations, ect)

Darren ZettlerDarren Zettler

Hi Vince:

Maybe I should talk louder? Would capital letters help? 🙂
Yes, all of our FPOs each have an iPad and we also use a few different apps for inspections and notes.
Can be as simple as emailing yourself, using the Notes app, or using one of free inspection apps we downloaded (one is called Inspection Pad by eCompliance I believe). It’s a good app and can be customized for any kind of checklist. You can take and import photos into it, do drawings and import them right in the app and choose from a variety of check box type questions.
It outputs a finished product as a PDF and you can email it to the building owner right away or just email it to yourself if it is just notes or something else.